BiOWiSH Crop, 2.2 lbs.
Produce More Without Increasing Square Footage
What is standing in the way of your dream yields? BiOWiSH® biostimulants are a reliable tool for growers who are looking for a natural way to increase yield without increasing square footage. BiOWiSH® works for hydroponic, broad acre, and organic farmers alike. These microbial solutions:
- Improve crop yields
- Increase nutrient availability
- Enhance root development
- Improve plant vigor
- Stimulate native microbial activity in the soil
- Improve soil productivity
BiOWiSH® delivers consistent results across all mediums, climates, and agronomy programs, helping growers produce more.
A Unique Technology
The unique microbial strains within BiOWiSH® Crop are produced by a proprietary manufacturing process which promotes the expression of specifically desired characteristics. The consistent expression of these characteristics is called the epigenetic effect.
Designed for the agricultural industry, BiOWiSH® biology uses multiple modes of action and performs reliably across broad operating conditions. The final result is a range of microbial biostimulants, proven to improve crop yields and nutrient availability.
The Intersection of Nature and Science
Natural and non-GMO, BiOWiSH® Crop technology can significantly improve crop yield without increasing your square footage. Farmers, governments, and research institutes around the world have tested the BiOWiSH® Crop technology and results show increased yield on a variety of crops including lettuce, tomatoes, corn, wheat, and more. BiOWiSH is OMRI listed.
CropKing is not authorized to sell BiOWiSH® Crop outside of the United States.